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Youth Corps member donates 10k out of allowee to support #GEJ2015

A youth corps member, Ezemagu Sunday Nnamdi graciously donated N10,000 out of his N19,800 monthly allowee to the president’s re-election bid.

The donation was sent alongside a concise letter which read in part, “Nigerians are behind you. We see your good works in power, transportation, education, housing, ICT, sports, electoral reforms, observation of the principle of federal character and the creation of investment opportunities. The insurgents who are trying to destabilize your Administration are enemies of peace and progress. You will surely defeat them.”Continue..

Of course, President Jonathan replied Sunday, saying  “Your gracious gesture is particularly gratifying, coming as it does from one of our nation’s vibrant and gifted youth who are our successor generation and for whom our Administration is unequivocally committed to providing the requisite environment to optimally realize their tremendous creative and productive potentials. As I carry on with the task of positively transforming our country for its God-ordained greatness and prosperity, I will continue to count on the goodwill as well as the practical and prayerful support of committed patriots like you.”

While many of them condemned the young man for carrying out such a act, a few others praised him.

Some say he is trying to get into GEJ's goo books.

Adebayo Ajayi,  a student of the university of Ibadan said, “Don’t mind him and the clique. I am sure he is the son of one of them, if not, how did he get access to the president’s account? Did he go to a bank and ask for the president’s account or he went to Aso Rock seeking audience with the president as ‘ordinary’ citizen and is now led before the president to make his donation. All smells kangaroo. ” and then he jokingly added “Me too I want to donate part of my pocket money o, which account of Mr President do I pay it into”

Olufemi Adeniyi who reacted on an online news portal, said “That corper must be among the bad Nigerians that condone evil. His primary responsibility is to serve Nigeria and not to finance political party or candidate. In a sane society his money will either be returned to him or he is excluded from the national service for being partisan. A Youth Corper serving THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT OF NIGERIA should not be partisan, and his primary duties have been politically compromised, this youth corper is exposing other youth corpers to political attack especially in a hostile region.
Youth corpers are expected to be neutral in political matters, and a responsible government must ensure they are neutral, because youth corpers are used for electoral processes, Imagine if this youth corper is used as an electoral officer, we know the result in advance…May be he is buying a good job for himself in the future since majority of Nigerians do not do things in the normal ways. ”
On the other hand, @SamuelOchai on twitter thinks “It is a Planned PR exercise”

“There is something called CDS – Community Development Service – for corps members, he should have donated that money for a good cause in his community but now he is making his donation like a drop of water in an ocean.” A fellow serving corps member,  Ifeanyi said.

Now over to you, what do you think guys?!

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