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TB Joshua is a preacher, not an Enginner"- Pastor Joel Kekana

A dear friend has found my comments on TB Joshua to be distasteful in that I seem to overlook the prophet's supposed and alleged criminal actions. Now, here is my response.

First, my stance is deliberate and well-calculated. What appears to be an engineering error, has quickly turned into a credibilty question on the spiritual ministry of the prophet. I have no issues with an informed analysis of the structural errors of the collapsed building.

That is the duty of civil government to do all such checks and make a ruling. However, thousands die daily due to construction errors, yet the word "accident" is enough to explain why civilians had to lose lives. Medical science is making errors that cost millions of lives globally, but that is part of research to find the cure. State sponsored errors that cost lives are "acceptable", but the rules are different when it comes to TB Joshua's case.

I see hypocrisy of those in power, especially when they can't match your success. Second, using a construction accident to judge the credibility of one's spirituality is malicious. It is like asking a medical doctor why he caused a car accident that led to loss of lives.Continue..

His profession has nothing to do with his driving habits. TB is preacher, not an engineer! Third, both the secular and the Christian world have issues with TB's successes in relieving human suffering through faith in the name of Jesus Christ. I'm waiting for the world to present another person, past and present, whose faith healing is globally acceptable.

There was a time when the USA prisons were decorated with healing evangelists. Their crime? Practicing healing of the sick without a licence. Most of the cynics I read here don't even believe in miracles, this includes professing Christians.

When people travel overseas to look for a medical cure for cancer, which is acceptable. But when people pay money to visit a man who can pray to remove cancer, which is immoral and satanic! Such double standards are malicious!

The truth is that TB has no living match in successfully dealing with human suffering through the prayer of faith in Jesus' name. I honour the name of Jesus Christ with my life. Fourth, preachers who cast doubt on miracles TB performs in Jesus’ name, which name does they use to cure the sick in their congregations and communities?

If I heal the sick and cast out demons in Jesus' name and you fail to do the same using the same name, while the Bible commands all to do that, who is at fault: the doer or the non-doer? Even the polytheistic Pilate could see malice and jealousy in the charges rose against Jesus Christ! (TB is not and can't be Christ)

Every believer inherits both the anointing and the tribulations of the Christ. Fifth, now concerning the alleged unethical practices that TB might be involved in, that is the work of the state to investigate and make a ruling. I cannot support allegations triggered by jealousy. Whether the man is of the devil or not is of no consequence here. God is the judge.

 I will also not accept the testimony of disgruntled members or followers of TB Joshua. Sixth, TB's explanation for the accident may be insufficient to the secular mind that is understandable. His steps in handling the incident may be deemed substandard, that also is understandable. Let the man be judged on how he handled the tragedy, but to use this to question his spiritual credibility borders on blasphemy.

The educated once dubbed Christ as one used by the devil to perform miracles. The supernatural are not obvious to the natural mind. Seventh, the fact that he does not subscribe to a reputable Christian body in our world is of less importance.

Many such bodies don't practice the Bible they hold. Some are selective. Others are divided. E.g. there are "healing" bodies; "word bodies", "prosperity bodies", "holiness bodies", etc. Such "bodies" become instruments of the secular state, the mouthpiece of antichrist! The Corinthian Syndrome is here to stay, where believers choose their "pet" preachers.

If TB is not your "taste" or "type", it is wise to "live and let live." Finally, I have no personal interest in TB. I only try giving credit where it is due. Miracles don't mean you are better than others. Gifts don't make you superior. You can perform miracles that help people and still lose your soul. God cannot be fooled, but people are fooled and fool each other all the time. Let the civil law take its course where it must.

 Nobody is above the law, except, of course, as we all know - the rich with political and demonic connections. They make and become the law! I therefore maintain that TB is genuine until proven otherwise by a reputable body! Let goverment do its job in this matter. Let the church play its role also. Let others do their best.

I will not point a finger of judgment on that man on the basis of human error! My condolences to the families who lost loved ones in the tragedy!Selah!

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  1. SYDUEL THABISO MOTHA8 June 2016 at 14:30

    Thank you servant of GOD FOR SO MUCH INSIGHT
