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Dr Doyin Okupe!!!- Shame On You Sir

I will not say I am surprise at the deliberate display of affluence and social eminence of your background in a rather more delicate world economic issues. I just wonder what qualifies people like you to hold delicate office in a country where over 80 per cent of her citizen are actually poor.

I am honestly trying to be respectful here but I fear that I might miss the context of this message if I have to mince my profound disappointment in your discrete assault and affront to the collective reliability of Nigerian people.

It is quite shocking that you can gleefully front to defend your wealthy background in a country that is characterized by unemployment, insecurity, terrorism and corruption. This to an extent has absolved your critics in the time past when you, in your supposed family financial buoyancy tried to force your way into Aso rock on that fateful Tuesday, April 19,2011 in your bid to lobby for special appointment as the security agent bounced you on the ground that you were not enlisted among the expected guest.

You tried to force your way into the meeting by force with tirade of your former status as an ex-powerful figure at the presidential villa. I wonder what type of a rich man will do that.
This is yet another strong premise that people like you do not have any tangible or structural projection for a secured future of Nigeria.

I had expected you to call yourself to caution when your misguided utterance was beginning to attract objections from sane Nigerians home and abroad, rather you chose to respond in a more Bariga approach and call your follower "Mr Big  Mouth". I thought a Spokesperson was supposed to be ideologically and intellectually competent to handle damage control when assertions seem to turn awry?

No wonder why observers and secular intelligentsia are of the opinion that the president has surrounded himself with a very wrong body of advisers. What form of advise would you give Mr president on poverty alleviation when you have no idea what it actually meant to be poor?

It is oxymoronical for a "rich man" like you to be appointed to speak for the poor(if you are truly rich as you have blatantly claim to the world).

Were you in the moon when about 650,000 Nigerian youths struggled for the recent NIS test and about 15 were killed in a stampede? Do the Immigration pay that much? Would you really say you have never known poverty in a country that still record pervasive poverty, high unemployment, dilapidated infrastructure, growing insecurity and high mortality rate?

Would you say you have not experience what it means to be poor in a country where under your nose between 1999 and 2012, about 863 firms had closed down for lack of fiscal buoyancy to run its affairs?
will you really call yourself  rich man in a country who spends over 70 percent of his yearly budget on recurrent expenditure leaving less than 30 percent for capital project

Nigeria is giving less than $15 dollars per capital annually as against the recommendation of WHO which was placed at $34 as the country's life expectancy rest at 47. Dr Okupe, will you be hearing it from me for the first time that Nigeria is one of the twelve countries in the world with the higher child mortality rate?
Do you read the news sir?
There is an adage where I come from that posit thus "Olowo kan laarin otosi mewa, otosi ni ohu naa." (a rich man among ten poor people is also a poor man)

Sir, if you chose to stand apart from the real world we all live in, you do not have the prerogative to serve as a mouthpiece of the same.Besides, who is not poor, Doctor Doyin or Nigerians?
You have been in the corridor of power since the first republic and still do not have any idea what the people you claim to consistently serve are going through.
I think with due respect sir, that ideologically you are a very poor man.

I think at this juncture Nigeria should understand the two face of democracy in Nigeria's Context. First it means what the people say they are and what they intend to do. Two, it also means who really count as the people. So if Doctor says he is a rich man. he also mean the democratic Nigerians are also rich. That 80 % are background noise.
That attest to the statement of one of the sitting senator who said his only experience of challenge ever since his life begun was the time his driver did not come on time to pick him while he was still in primary school
Those are the type of leaders we usually vote for.
My recommendation however is that you save your head of where history might place your name and voluntarily resign as SSA as it is evident that you have no clue about what is going on in the country. Those poor Nigerians says so


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