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Are You Addicted To Alcohol And Don't Want To Stop? Good News!

Metro news has this morning introduced new tips on how one can drink to stupor and yet not have any visible impact in the addict's system. He assures that one can drink as many bottles as possible and still feels like he or she has not taken anything.

If ‘one too many’ on a night out has ever landed you in trouble, here’s a simple trick which could prevent future alcohol-fueled embarrassments.

A world famous brewer has revealed how he can drink all night long without getting too drunk, as others around him start to feel the effects of a few pints.

Jim Koch, co-founder of the Boston Beer Company, revealed in an interview with Esquire that he swallows dry yeast before he begins drinking.

The billionaire brewer explained he has one teaspoon of yeast per drink before he starts on the beers, mixing it with yoghurt to make it more palatable

The yeast acts as a ‘buffer for your liver’ according to Gizmodo, as yeast contains an enzyme called dehydrogenases which breaks down alcohol.

‘You wanna know my secret? How I can drink beer all night long and never get drunk?’ he asked Aaron Goldfarb.

‘Active yeast. Like you get at the grocery store. One teaspoon per beer, right before you start drinking.’
 He added: ‘And it will mitigate – not eliminate – but mitigate the effects of alcohol!’

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