Have you been sentenced to a short stretch of jail time in Alameda County, Calif.? Not so wild about spending it at your typical, "Oz"-like horror show of an institution? Good news, criminal. If you can swing $155 a night, you can stay in the Fremont facility, far away from the riff raff of general county miscreants. You'll get a large, flat-screen HD TV and open community spaces, "but you don’t get a warm cookie on your bed," warned jail rep Lt. Mark Devine. Potential inmates need a health screening, background check and a judge's approval to luxuriate in the $10.6 million facility, though rarely are more than a dozen inmates residing in the 58-bed facility at a time. Still, if 16 inmates stay twice a week yearly, Fremont would profit $244,000, according to Devine. That's just good prisoning.