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Triumphant Return: PMAN President Pretty Okafor Defends His Legacy Against Baseless Allegations


August 26, 2024 – The Performing Musicians Employers Association of Nigeria (PMAN) is experiencing a wave of optimism as its esteemed President, Mr. Pretty Okafor, has made a triumphant return to Nigeria to address the baseless allegations that led to his suspension. Known for his unwavering commitment and visionary leadership, Mr. Okafor has consistently been a driving force behind the growth and unity of PMAN. His return is seen as a bold step to restore integrity and reaffirm his dedication to the association's values and objectives.

In response to recent events, the National Executive Council (NEC) of PMAN held an emergency meeting to thoroughly examine the situation surrounding Mr. Okafor's suspension by the National Working Committee (NWC). The NEC, in its steadfast commitment to fairness and due process, has resolved to take decisive steps to ensure justice is served and that the reputation of its outstanding leader remains untarnished.

Key Resolutions Celebrating the Leadership of Pretty Okafor:

Suspension Status Quo: The NEC has instructed the National Working Committee (NWC) to maintain the current status quo regarding Mr. Pretty Okafor's suspension and that of the Chapter Governors/Sole Administrators. No further actions should be taken until a full and fair hearing is conducted, as per the PMAN Constitution. This decision underscores the NEC's commitment to upholding justice and transparency in line with the high standards set by Mr. Okafor's leadership.

Formation of a National Disciplinary Committee (NDC): The NEC, in accordance with Article 13 (C) (ii) of the PMAN Constitution, has established a National Disciplinary Committee (NDC) to thoroughly investigate the unfounded allegations against Mr. Okafor and the Chapter Governors/Sole Administrators. The NDC, led by distinguished members, is tasked with ensuring a fair and unbiased review process:

Chairman: Comrade Chuku Uchena James (Ebonyi State)

Member: Comrade Aralola Olamuyiwa (Lagos State)

Member: Comrade Jack Sydney Asuwani (Abuja FCT)

Member: Comrade Lady Golda C Njiribeako Alexander (Imo State)

Member: Comrade Robert Udende (Benue State)

NDC's Broad Authority and Commitment to Fairness: The NEC emphasizes that the NDC will exercise its full authority to summon any association member to discuss any misconduct allegations. The NDC will ensure that the principles of natural justice are upheld, reviewing all pertinent documents and conducting interviews to guarantee a fair and transparent process, reflective of the values championed by Mr. Okafor.

Commitment to Procedural Integrity: The NEC reaffirms its dedication to procedural integrity, noting that any suspension, including that of a president as distinguished as Mr. Pretty Okafor, must be based on a finding of guilt by a duly appointed Disciplinary Committee. The absence of such a committee before the suspension was imposed highlights the procedural impropriety of the action taken against Mr. Okafor.

Ensuring Due Process and Fair Representation: The NEC reiterates its unwavering commitment to upholding due process, as required by Article 18 (D) of the PMAN Constitution. This guarantees every member, including Mr. Okafor, a fair opportunity to be heard before any disciplinary action is taken, ensuring that justice is not only done but seen to be done.

Pretty Okafor’s Triumphant Return and Defense: Mr. Pretty Okafor has returned to Nigeria, ready to present a formidable defense against these allegations. Known for his unwavering dedication and selfless service to PMAN, Mr. Okafor’s return is a testament to his commitment to transparency and integrity. He remains confident that his steadfast leadership will continue to guide PMAN toward greater heights.

Transparency and Unity as Hallmarks of PMAN: The NEC is committed to maintaining transparency and unity within PMAN, a reflection of the inclusive and progressive vision Mr. Okafor has always championed. The council will closely oversee all significant matters to ensure that the association’s reputation remains strong and untarnished.

Immediate Press Release Directive to Restore Reputation: To uphold PMAN’s esteemed reputation and mitigate any further damage, the NEC has instructed the NWC to issue an immediate press release across all platforms and media channels to address the unjust suspension of Mr. Pretty Okafor and the Chapter Governors/Sole Administrators.

Call for Unity and Continued Support for Okafor’s Leadership: The NEC acknowledges the tireless efforts of the NWC in safeguarding PMAN's integrity and urges all members to remain calm and united. The council calls on all members to rally behind Mr. Okafor, whose vision and leadership have been the cornerstone of PMAN's progress and success.

The NEC's emergency meeting highlights its unwavering commitment to fairness, transparency, and upholding PMAN's constitutional principles. As Mr. Pretty Okafor returns to clear his name and continue his visionary leadership, the association is poised to emerge stronger and more united, with renewed determination to achieve its goals under the steadfast guidance of its exemplary leader.

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