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ISIS Fighter Tweets ‘Selfie’ And In Less Than 24 Hours He Gets a ‘Reply’ From U.S. Air Force

This ISIS fighter just didn’t want to miss out on the hottest thing around. Little did he know that humble-bragging online to get some RTs on Twitter would get subtweeted along with 3 JDAM bombs.
Military.com gives us an ISIS selfie story that went horribly wrong:

Air Force Gen. Hawk Carlisle, head of Air Combat Command, described Monday how airmen at Hurlburt Field, Florida, with the 361st Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Group, recognized a comment on social media and turned that into an airstrike that resulted in three Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) missiles destroying am [sic] Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) headquarters building.
“It was a post on social media to bombs on target in less than 24 hours,” Carlisle told Military.com. “Incredible work when you think about [it].”

The post was careful not to reveal any secrets that could jeopardize any other ISIS “morons” revealing their locales via social media.

The guys that were working down out of Hurlburt, they’re combing through social media and they see some moron standing at this command,” Carlisle said. “And in some social media, open forum, bragging about the command and control capabilities for Daesh, ISIL. And these guys go: ‘We got an in.’ So they do some work, long story short, about 22 hours later through that very building, three [Joint Direct Attack Munitions] take that entire building out.”

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