Gilman, a 26-year-old Seattle woman has been accused of raping her neighbour.
Her victim,
a 31-year-old man, was said to have fallen asleep after a bithday party.
The incident
happen on June 16, 2013 but it was not until recently that a DNA sample taken
from the victim was analyzed.
Gilman is
said to be a well known drug user in the neighbourhood who suffers from a range
of mental disorders.
The victim
(names withheld) said Gilman held him down and told him to be quiet but he
managed to shove her off and push her out of his apartment.
An arrest
warrant was issued for the suspect, a mother of four other children who is
reportedly pregnant with another child.
During an
undated interview, Gilman reportedly told investigators she didn’t remember
having sex with the man or being at his home, the P-I wrote