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"Story for the gods"- A celebration of profanity

Sir...have you heard that Olamide’s new single “story for the gods”? I can bet you sure have. And I can also bet there was a bit of moral resistance that you felt the first time you heard it. It’s normal for any sane person in his sane mind to feel that way.

Another Naija artist has again displayed the extent of our moral decadence and annihilation or of value and cultural pastime; the media has swallowed the trend and our society has become a breeding ground for potential rapist and violent youth, thanks to the songs we listen to.

I was at the glossary store two days ago when a lady walk across with an earpiece which I think is loud enough to expose her immoral status; she couldn’t help but sing along with Mr “Go down low”. She was so lost in the song that she made that practically demeaning statement “ I WANT TO DO SH*NA TODAY!!SH*NA TODAY!! So loud that the entire shoppers had to turn to her in disgust.

Well for those who don’t understand what he means? Let’s keep it that way and say he should have said that in a song which 65% of the listeners will undoubtedly be little children

This guy went so raw that he made it clear he wants to “do Sh*na today”.. SMH. Shouldn’t you be concerned? Yes you should: your sons and daughters will dance to it, will even mime the song at a point. The DJ will play it at birthday parties. The radio will carelessly play the song also.

Even the developed country which we carelessly and recklessly claim to trend with would pick out every N-word, F-word and S-word from the track and place a parental advisory sticker on the CD

I think Chinua Achebe saw the future when he wrote “things fall apart”. Ola Rotimi knew it when he wrote the “gods are not to blame”, Williams Raspberry saw what was coming when he fearfully wonder if we can live in a future of parents without children.
Am I the only one who is seeing it from this direction? If our system is this contaminated such that we can celebrate profanity like it is our daily routine, where then are we heading to? 

60% of suicide that occur in the United State is prompted by depression which is triggered by music the victims listened to.30% even kill themselves while listening to the song.
“Stan” is a track which Eminen used to pass the message of precautionary attention to what they talk about in their song. There is a part the guy said in the song
 “I can relate to what you saying in your song so when I have a busy day..i put them on..i got some help when I’m depressed.. sometimes I even cut myself to see how much it bleeds..the pain is sudden rush for me…see everything you say is true….”

See..that is the power of the song you listen to..it makes you want to act what you hear.. so be not surprise if case of rape and  violent crimes against women increase.. I can’t imagine what an excessively drunk person will do when he is listening to that song.

For me, I think it is time we introduced active central regulatory system that will screen all song before it is aired on radio. Before BON bans any song, we would have heard it about a thousand times on radio and TV. Let’s have a central forum under a legitimate authority like a ministry that would be concerned with art and entertainment. When any artist produced any song, he would be aware that the destiny of such song is in the hands of that body who would approve or disapprove of the same.

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