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Meet The New King Felipe IV Of Spain As He Gets The Crown Today.Photos

Spain has today sworn in a new king in a low-key ceremony that monarchists hope will usher in a new era of popularity for the troubled royal household.

Felipe VI has taken to the throne after his father Juan Carlos tearfully signed his abdication papers at midnight last night following a 36-year reign.

Determined to stay in line with the country's austerity measures, the new monarch, his wife Letizia and their two daughters - Leonor, eight, and Sofia, seven - were ferried through Madrid in a low-key affair after a brief military parade to their first official engagement. 

..and by the way, that eight-year-old Leonor, left, has become the youngest direct heir to any throne in Europe and is now in line for military training as future head of the army.

See, royal status comes with responsibility
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