This heart-wrenching story revolves around young Chinazam, a
Nigerian boy whose life took a devastating turn after undergoing a supposedly
routine appendicitis surgery at a clinic operated by the Shell Petroleum
Development Company (SPDC) in 2016. What was expected to be a simple procedure
turned into a cascade of medical errors and negligence that caused severe
complications for Chinazam.
Initially dismissed as insignificant, Chinazam's complaints
of stomach pain were overlooked by the clinic. However, as his pain persisted,
he was eventually referred to a surgeon who diagnosed him with an inflamed
appendix, necessitating emergency surgery.
Tragically, during the procedure, unforeseen complications
arose. The medical staff discovered that Chinazam had accumulated water in his
brain and other organs. For agonizing hours, Chinazam's parents, Stella and
Emeka Okoli, were left in the dark, anxiously awaiting updates on their son's
condition. Finally, they received the distressing news that Chinazam had experienced
a drug reaction but was still alive.
Chinazam slipped into a medical coma, spending several days
in the clinic's Intensive Care Unit. Desperate for better care, the Okolis
pleaded with Shell to arrange for his transfer to a specialized trauma center abroad.
However, Shell's response was marked by delays and indifference, eventually
sending him to South Africa instead of a more suitable destination like the
United States.
Throughout this ordeal, Shell's lack of concern for
Chinazam's well-being became apparent. The company failed to offer support or
essential services during his recovery. Despite the Okolis' repeated requests
for his transfer to a facility with advanced cognitive rehabilitation
protocols, Shell callously ignored their pleas.
This story exposes the negligence, medical errors, and a
prioritization of cost-saving measures over Chinazam's life. It sheds light on
Shell's violation of its own commitment to ensuring the health and safety of
individuals. Despite the unwavering efforts and persistence of the Okoli
family, Shell's actions needlessly prolonged Chinazam's suffering and recovery
The concerned Nigerians and Chinazam's anguished parents are now appealing for a simple request: that Shell, a company known for its purported care and support of individuals such as IDP in faraway Borno state and flood victims, demonstrates these same values to Chinazam. They are pleading for Shell to stop treating his life care plan as a mere commodity. At the very least, this plan should provide for his dignity until he recovers or until God calls him home. The Okolis are demanding transparency by requesting the release of Prof. Ronke Desalu's report, which will shed light on the exact circumstances surrounding a boy who walked into the clinic for a minor surgery but emerged with his life forever altered.
Read full story here>