Singularity Media, finally premiered the much-anticipated movie “Ojukokoro” (Greed) on Thursday, March 9, 2017, at the prestigious Genesis Deluxe Cinemas, The Palms Shopping Mall, Lekki, Lagos
The movie, which was directed and written by Dare Olaitan, features talented Nollywood Actors such as Wale Ojo, Somkele Inyamah, Linda Ejiofor, Zainab Balogun, Tope Tedela, Seun Ajayi, Hafiz Oyetoro, Ali Nuhu, Charles Etubiebi, Aderupoko, Emmanuel Ikubese, Gbolahan Bollylomo Olatunde, Shawn Faqua and Kunle Remi.
The event was star-studded with artist and celebrities from all entertainment industries.