How loose is Loose. Vaginal tone or strength is just like
the firmness of our skin or body size. Some women are born with firm, well
toned skin whereas some are more flabby. As for body size, some of us have
bigger build than others. I think the same holds true for the vagina. Some
women are naturally looser or bigger than others.
Pointers includes:
When you have trouble holding your urine. – Many women with
stretched vagina have a problem with urine leakage. This happens especially
when they laugh, cough or sneeze.
When you find that you need to insert bigger objects larger
than your fingers into the vagina for masturbatory stimulation and arousal it
could be a sign that you have a looser vagina.
When you can insert three or more fingers simultaneously
into your vagina without significant resistance of your vaginal walls, chances
are that you have a loose vagina. Insert your index finger into your vagina and
try to grip it with your vaginal walls by contracting your vaginal muscles. If
you have difficulties to do this it is one more sign that you might have a
loose vagina.
When your can see the vaginal orifice when you take a vagina
selfie without spreading out the labia.
When you have difficulty to achieve an orgasm unlike before.
Taking in air during sex or the increase likelihood of air
getting into the vagina - known as 'fanny farting'
When your hubby seems not into sex like before and you have
difficulties turning him on and satisfy him as before or when he suddenly
begins to find it hard to climax or retain his erection after hours of sex.
When hubby demands that you close your legs tight during
intercourse. Read more..
Now there are dynamics that needs to be explained properly,
You can determine vaginal looseness by doing the finger
check or the kegel ball test. For the finger check test you need to slide your
index finger into the vagina and see if you can feel it. Then two fingers
(index and middle) to gauge tightness as compared to 1 finger. If you can slide
in three fingers (middle, index and ring finger hold together) and can’t feel
much, than most probably the vagina is a bit loose.
Ben Wa ball test is done by holding the ball with your
vagina. The longer the better. A tight vagina can hold the ball even you are
squatting. Your vaginal tone is good if you can stand with legs wide apart
without the ball dropping out. The vagina is slack or loose if the ball drops
out even if you are standing with your legs closed.
I don’t think any of us would want to be at the last stage
of the above two tests before we do something about vaginal relaxation or loose
vagina, right? As we embark on our journey to womanhood – from puberty, virgin,
sexually active adult, marriage, motherhood and menopause, the vagina will
undergo changes.
In my vaginal looseness myths, I have mentioned that
childbirth and being sexually active will not loosen the vagina. BUT it will
definitely be stretched. That’s inevitable.
Prevention is better than cure. Don’t wait until it is loose
to do something about it. When the vagina is tight, maintain that tightness
with herbal supplements. And use herbal supplements to gradually restore slack
vaginal tone.
I am sure we have heard lots of vaginal looseness myths, so
it is time to address this issue and separate the myths from the truths.
Myth 1 : Vaginal looseness is an indication that you are a
good time girl.
Truth : The vagina being a muscular tube will expand and
stretch to accommodate whatever is inside it. When it is empty, the vagina
walls touch each other. In fact, having regular sex increases the muscle tone
of the vagina and not decreases it. Sex is a form of exercise. You can make
love every day for a year and it won’t make your vagina looser than it was
before. On the other hand abstaining from sex for a long time would not make
your vagina any tighter.
Myth 2 : All Men Prefer a Tight Vagina
Truth : We assume that all men like a tight vagina. This is
one of those vaginal looseness myths we have been conditioned to believe. Fact
is, in reality, some men prefer a slightly loose vagina for easier penetration
and harder and faster thrusting. Case in point is my friend whose vagina is not
as tight as before child birth. Her husband is much happier with her slightly
loose vagina now and they have a much satisfying love life.
The men also play a part in relation to the tightness of the
vagina. If his penis size is below average, then it is hard to feel the
friction and pleasure during your intimate moments. So ladies, don’t think that
it is always your fault.
Myth 3 : It Is Always Good to Be Tight Than Loose
Truth : Far from it. It isn’t always a good thing for the
woman. A tight vagina indicates that she is not sufficiently aroused yet. When
your desire is ignited, the vagina should naturally loosen, vaginal lubrication
flows and the cervix opens up for easier penetration. This means that your vagina
should be looser and lubricated during penetration and not tight and dry. If it
is, then your partner might take it that you are not ready or do not want to
make love.
Myth 4 : Smaller Girls have Tighter Vagina than Taller,
Bigger Girls
Truth : As mentioned above, our female genitalia is elastic,
stretchable and expandable, sometimes to two times it’s size during sexual
intercourse. Body size is irrelevant. Smaller, thinner girls have smaller
pelvic structure but is not an indication that they have smaller internal
organs. Regardless of size, some women are a little tight because they have a
thicker hymen or their muscles contract with more force.
Myth 5 : Penetration and Childbirth Causes Vaginal Looseness
Truth : Our reproductive organ changes its size to embrace
the object inside it, then it returns to its previous state after penetration.
Since penis size is nowhere near the size of a full-term baby, penetration
doesn’t make the vagina loose.
Similarly, child birth results in little changes. However,
slight changes might occur when an incision is made through the perineum to
enlarge the vagina to ease the delivery of the baby. The changes will be
noticeable if you have given birth to a large brood.
With the common vaginal looseness myths debunked, the
problem of a loose vagina is more a state of our mind. If you are having a
satisfying love life, then vaginal looseness should not be a cause for low
self-esteem, depression or embarrassment.
But, just as we exercise, take supplements and use facial products
to stay youthful, why not do the same for our intimate area?
Regardless of whether there are any truths in the vaginal
looseness myths, it is always beneficial to do Kegel exercises, use Ben Wa
balls and supplements with loose vagina remedies for heightened sensations for
both partner.
Culled: Laila's Blog