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Boko Haram in control of 25 towns in the North?

Boko Haram militants are in charge of at least 25 towns and villages in northern region.as claimed by Roman Catholic Bishop, Oliver Dashe. He gave a warning of a deteriorating security situation as he claimed that 10 towns in Yobe state, the same number in Borno and five in Adawama had fallen to the rebels over the last month, as they seek to carve out a hardline Islamic state.
International assistance was now required to tackle the problem, he told the Nigerian Catholic Bishops’ Conference in the southern city of Warri, Delta state, on Wednesday.

    “As a nation we are almost losing this battle because it is spinning out of control,” he added.
    “The earlier we come together as Nigerians, forgetting our religious, ethnic, regional, cultural and ideological differences to face this menace the better for us.”

Nigeria’s government has denied losing territory to Boko Haram and the military has dismissed as “empty” the militants’ claim last month that one captured town was part of an Islamic caliphate.

Independent verification that militants have overrun towns and villages is hard to come by because communications have been destroyed.

Most reports have come from the thousands of residents who have fled their homes to go to other towns and cities in the northeast and wider region.

Military top brass this month admitted that the militants’ territorial ambitions were a threat to Nigeria’s sovereignty.

A series of counter-attacks have been launched in recent days, which they claim have successfully recaptured towns.

Dashe said Boko Haram-related violence had devastated the Diocese of Maiduguri, which he represents and covers all 3 northeast states.

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