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Photos:Teenager With Tail Is Worshippes As God

Arshid Ali Khan, 13 was born with tail and has grown 7 inches out from his back ribs. He is considering having this tail removed despite being worshipped as a god because of it.
The issue with the boy is, despite the fact that people see him as a god who can change their situation for the better, he cannot get himself off the wheel chair by the supposed power that he seem to posses

Arshid Ali Khan, from Punjab, India, is seen as the incarnation of Hanuman, a Hindu monkey god, because of the mysterious growth emanating from his lower back.

But he now has the chance of being able to move without the use of the wheelchair if he has it surgically removed.

‘This tail has been given to me by God. I am worshipped because I pray to god and the wishes of people come true,’ he said.

Arshid was not worried people may stop making pilgrimages to see him if he underwent the operation.See more pics after cut

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