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THANK ME. 7 living generations excluding The Silent generation.


Baby  Boomers: born 1946 to 1964. ...


Generation Jones: born 1955 to 1965. ...


Generation X: born 1965 to 1980. ...


Xennials: born 1977 to 1983. ...


Millennials: born 1981 to 1996. ...


Generation Z: born 1997 or after. ...


Generation Alpha: born 2010 or after.


Now about the generation .... So I am generation X but feel like all the four generations below X.




Generation Z or Zedites

Generation A.


What a cook-up or a mix I am!!!


Truth is it's perfectly okay to feel a generation away from yours. Not sure if it's positive or negative to feel like generations before you or after. The facts remain that we live through the generations in our characters attitudes 'expressions, idiosyncrasies etc. It's human nature. There are hilarious aspects to this. Like a generation X trying to dress like a generation Z. Or hoping to be as vibrant and agile as a generation Alpha.

 Know your generation is not a bad thing. Living in one generation and finding expression in others is not entirely bad either.  In fact, I believe man was Intended to have transgenerational interactions, experiences and abiding traits. These are often commonplace.


I don't believe we are expected to be locked up within a generation bound by definitions and expectations of individual societies or communities.  We most certainly have the freedom to live how we want to and not be defined by our generation although we should be careful not to cross the borders with uttermost ridiculousness.


Let's not forget we are not robots that are Programmed to work according to the algorithms of the manufacturer...We are humans made in His Express image. If I take that literally that would mean just like Him we don't age.

From experience it's also true we basically remain who we are until of course after the New Birth. That being said our souls are ageless. ( Often wondered why the expression old soul) . That's is not even complimentary. I guess it's often used to describe someone who displays or expresses a deeper understanding of a current issue. So maybe it's complimentary. 


Anyway, truth is, only the body goes through the metamorphosis. I have often wondered why the body has to go through so many changes over the years. How about  No age lines, wrinkles free, no crow feet, no aching knees, no blurry eyesight, no hair or balding, no teeth falling no gait strain.... Haba !!! How cool would that be? Then again how will the generations be demarcated? I guess He thought of everything. I could have been married or dated a dinosaur or worse still I could be married to an ancestor Tufiakwa😂


Boy, what a morning. My thoughts are everywhere. I'm just human. Exploring my humanity. This last expression “exploring my humanity" rings a certain bell.  Some sexual ring to it. How come sex is the only thing to be explored so much so that the word itself seems to serve only that purpose. I'm exploring my thoughts. My intellect.  I actually have boundless freedom to explore my humanity in the light of The Truth. My Truth which I hold dearly. Lest o forget with my brains too.


It's increasingly harder staying relevant in your generation while grappling with catching up with the generations after you. On a lighter note, the men take this sport seriously by indulging in multiple copulations with girls in their daughter's generation and granddaughters. What a way to keep up with the Joneses!


 I was listening to a Ted talk the other day and the speaker highlighted the fact that while the female hormone Oestrogen makes a very grand exit from the life of a female early from age 40 Putting her through a series of symptoms bordering on the theatrical.  The male hormone Testosterone or sir T For short takes its time and goes away quietly without fuss when the man is well stricken in years. He hardly notices. Could nature be cheating the female gender? I better stop now before it becomes a gender talk and not a flipping generation musings that it is.


Now we understand Abraham at 90 was still firing. It was Sarah that needed the body miracle. ( But seriously what was a ninety-year-old man and an eighty-year-old woman doing having sex biko?) God has a good sense of humour. How did I get back here? Please ignore!


Back to the striving to remain relevant through the generations. I personally feel life is best lived as a breath in breath out exercise. In these times we find ourselves,  especially not as millennials, Zedites or Alphas, bombarded by social media, harassed by the scary uninvited and unexpected COVID 19, being alive hale and hearty in the present should top the list of our priorities.


No go do pass yasef


Proudly Generation X

Intentionally Millenial

Mother to Millennials and Zedites

Granny to an Alpha....


I'm quite a great cocktail mix of humanity.


Let's drink to that.




Uri Ngozichukwuka

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