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We, the members of the above named committee, wish to express our profound gratitude to you all, for the confidence reposed in us to steer the tide of the upsurge challenges that visited the CSOs , from the global level down to the local level,  by the allegations of misappropriation of fund donated for the burial rites for  comrade Yinka Odumakin, which allegations lie at the door steps of comrades Wale Okunnyi , Awa Bamji and Solomon Sobade and co,  allegations, which were so dire and great , to have left the simple offence  of misappropriation and assume the magnitude of fraudulence and financial malpractices        

BRIEF INTRODUCTION; Yinka Odumakin, a beloved and active member of Nigeria, West Africa, Africa and universal CSOs; ebullient in civil crusading for social justice, undoubting in agitation, unrepentant in the strive for structural adjustment for the goodness of the downtrodden and indefatigably down to earth in activism, passed on at a prime age of 55years when his activism was rising to its horizon and pinnacle . The suddenness of his demise, at a prime age, and when rising to the zenith of his activistic agitations for the actualization of  his dreamed Nigeria nay black race, makes his exit painful and unbearable to right thinking members of the Civil Society Organizations, making Friday the 2nd day of April, 2021, a shock to the whole world in general and to the “brethren” within his primary constituency, being the CSOs, in particular. Therefore, his was “an extinction of the ember of a luminous light, glowing towards  its brightest, to brighten the corner of his generation”. By this simple fact, mourning, pensiveness and deep thoughtfulness are  better to be the pictures of what his demise left behind , particularly so, that he left an aged father behind. So, then,, the CSOs, the world over, particularly in Nigeria, (including Messer’s Wale Okunniyi, Awa Bamiji, Solomon Sobade and Co) should be all out to portray to the whole world the stance that convey dignity, integrity and nobility as their last manifested respect and honor to Comrade Yinka Odumakin. Unfortunately, however, some pushed decency, decorum and dignity of the CSO to the background, used the occasion other sad exit of this great icon of activism, to corruptly enrich themselves. Painful, Putrefying and Pondering!!!

Be that as it may, since it is important that he must be committed to the mother earth, as nature and Yoruba tradition (where he belonged) demands, unlike in such other climes, like India, where they cremate their dead.

In the process of “putting ashes for ashes and dust for dust “ his corpse needed to be transported to his State, Osun, and his home town, Moro. These require people in attendance  and fund to take care of them and all the necessities or necessaries associated with burial rites .

Aside the above, or in addition to same, once ,and however young he might seemed to be, he was still older  than a lot of people from his immediate family, the extended family the comrades ,his friends and fiends( foes), who wished to grace the occasion of his burial; for a positive and otherwise reasons.

As is the practice in human circles, well-wishers voluntarily make donations of monies and materials ,directly to the family of the deceased as their contributions of last respect for the departed soul. The case with comrade Yinka Odumakin was not different from these natural tendencies and cultural values of the homosapiens.

A lot paid condolence visits or visitations to the immediate family and extended family of the departed comrade Yinka odumakin. In the process they made donations to ease the burden of expenses for his burial rite.

 These donations(to the deceased family), however big or small by whoever person or personality,, by tradition, culture and custom belong entirely, completely and wholly to the deceased's family,  and no one however big or small has the  lawful or legal, constitutional, moral or amoral right to ask ,request or query the deceased family as to how such fund(s), donated  for the burial of the deceased was/is expended, thus making any campaign of calumny, character asasination or defamation against the deceased family for collecting funds for and on behalf of the family and expending same the best way he/ she deems it fit to be in the best interest of giving the deceased a befitting burial ,without overlooking the fact that the deceased’s dependants will need something to fall back on ,after the burial, is a  dastard act of ignobility ,impervious rascality and gangstaristic attitudinal act of garage touts , calculated at ridiculing the deceased and family , which commands the wrath of the Almighty GOD , and soul of the departed, making the actor to lose peace on earth and eternity, in life and death , for it says ;” THERE IS NO PEACE, SAYS THE LORD , WITH THE WICKED”. This is because doing so is not only arbitrative; it is infractious and corrosive to the custom and traditions of the Yoruba. 

Be that as it may, and in the process of performing the aforementioned burial rite, and particularly regarding  who takes "full" and sole  charge of the whole program for the burial rites, the deceased's family  intimated the whole world   vide the press release dated April, 21.   2021 they shall ,and had actually take full, sole and entere charge of the burial rites of their son, and this , to the exclusion of other (s) ,however close .

The Essence of this is to Constitute A Caveat To The World at Large, That;

 (1) No person, individual or group, should have idea of arranging another programme 

(2) No body, however, whatever or wherever should engage in soliciting for donations of money for the sake of the burial rites for comrade Yinka Odumakin

(3) Anyone that does so does it at variance with the dictates of the Yoruba custom contained in the adages “oni nkan lan je ose” and “bi o ba ti se wu ni lan se imale eni” and “a ki mo oso ju iya oso.” 

The caveat, which , if properly read and cogitated, translated to a disclaimer of anyone or body group  going about  soliciting for fund for  the burial of comrade Yinka Odunmakin.

Despite the caveat or the disclaimer afforested, some crop of  the CSOs, in Nigeria, went ahead and  solicited for fund and arrogated right of spending same to themselves without any recourse to the general body of the Nigerian CSOs ,strictly speaking.

Their actions, seemed a parallel programme , in apparent contradiction to that of the family and expressly against the wish, will and aspiration of the decease family and in a serious tone, perhaps, against the will, wishes desires and aspiration of  the deceased thus amounting to  a great disservice to the decease family and of the deceased himself ,which might  be impregnated. with visible and invisible consequences .for only the CREATOR knows  whether the dead fights or not


 The conveners of the other program or event aside from, and parallel to that of the family ,traiding  under the aegis ;Memorial Planning Committee(Hereinafter referred to as MPC) for Odumakin’s burial are Messes (Comrades) Wale  Okunniyi, Awa Bamji and Sobade Solomon.

They did a lot for the MPC to get fund and they broadcasted vide social media what they did, they and would have been at rest by now were it not for the dust raised and allegations of mismanagement of public fund and fraudulent practices arising from the income and expenditures analysis  they prepared and presented to the ,, and upon request by the CSO, consequent on barrages of allegations here and there against them and their MPC.

1.The fact that they claim(ed) to have represented (though unadvisedly ,or without express authority by same) the CSOs, made the same to take the gauntet and frantic efforts to delve into the whole issues  to unearth the bearing ,burden and location  of the allegations and dispense justice quickly and accordingly .      

2.Individual group, like know your rights initiative , an NGO ,through his Convener ; comrade Segun Adeeko, wrote a petition to the fcid Alagbon.

3.Then, and finally, the cohesive and unifying platform tagged Odunmakin Accountability Platform was floated. The forum or platform boasting of men of great repute amongst the local and global CSOs, like Mike Ezekhome SAN, Femi Falana SAN, Ebun Ade Onaghoruwa SAN, Buska Buska SAN, Biodun Sowunmi, Barr. Monday Ubanni, Barr. Osagie Obayuwana, Lanre Arogundade ,Barr. Femi Aborishade, Abiodun Aremu, Dr Okei Odumakin ,Dr Yinusa Salisu Tanko, Amitolu Shittu, Erelu Oodua Onanneye, Bayo Ogunleye, HRH Eze Obi , Segun Adeeko,Ade Ikuesan , Soloki Gbenga Moses, Barr.Taiwo Hassan Bello, Princess Edo, Bola Olanrewaju, Ras Innovator, Elijah Ajonu Ojo, ,Ola ONI (Junior), Otunba Mark Adesanya and many great others who are proven ,tested and seasoned Comrades who  have hazarded their lives on the platform of making the world , Afrika and Nigeria  haven of democratization of governance and complete adherence to the RULE OF LAW & CONSTITUTIONALISM.

It is this enviable Platform or Forum, with the intention to put a definite cessation to the ensuing imbroglio arising from the activities of the MPC, and more, to create an enabling avenue to eradicating such antecedents within the rank and files of the national CSO , that inaugurated this committed tagged ODUMAKIN'S ACCOUNTABILITY RESOLUTION COMMITTEE (hereinafter called OARC).

The OARC was inaugurated on Sunday the 9th day of May, 2021, with following terms of Reference;


Com. Gbenga Soloki Moses -Chairman

Com. Taiwo Hassan Bello- Secretary

Com Erelu Oodua Tinuade Onaneye

Com Elijah Ajanu Ojo

Com Princess Edo

Com Ras Innovator

Com Bola Olanrewaju

Com Otunba Mark Adesanya

Com Ola Oni jnr

In all, the ORC met 7days for deliberations, being from 10th-  16th,May, 2021 spending between one and two hourss per day. The last day of the meeting was dedicated for the Report to be prepared and sent to the OARC for vetting and onward transmision to the Odumakin Accountability platform(.OAP). The Report was read and vetted by the memmbers  on Tuesday the 18st day of May, 2021.

                         THE FORA OF ORC MEETINGS

                         Whatsapp conference and Zoom


1,Income/expenditure Analysis

2.The Budget

3.Posts.sent by Awa Bamiji

4. Resolution sent by Wale Okunniyi

5.The Press release by the Odumakin Family  




A thorough and analytical perusal and considerations of the three documents reveal the following.


The committee, upon dialectical perusal and appraisal of the Resolution discovered ;

                    i.            That he, comrade Wale Okunniyi, accepted total responsibilities of all that emanated from the MPC he led therefore,  and by extension the allegations of misappropriation,fraud or fraudulent practice oozing  from same .

                 ii.             That there was /is nowhere found in the resolution, where he was, strictly speaking,  absolved of any of the allegations, in paragraph i, levied against him, Wale Okunniyi, Awa Bamji and Solomon Sobade.

               iii.            That the said resolution’s main thrust is that the CSO should “avoid washing their dirty linen in the public”.

               iv.            That an observer  of  the meeting resulting  to the said resolution ,attested to the fact that the "veterans" scolded Wale Okunniyi and reprimanded him and others of mismanagement ,misappropriation etc   viz  a viz the MPC

                  v.            That the fact  that:

a.      The resolution does not decide on guilt or acquittal, which the whole body of the CSOs is interested in, the resolution is at variance with the doctrine of justice,  legality, Rule of law and Constitutionality.

b.     The zoom meeting from which the resolution received its bearing or mandate was convened by Wale Okunniyi, the ”crown witness ” in the barrages of allegations, lends a    vitiating effect to the credibility of the resolution as offending the principle of fair hearing and natural justice i.e Nemo Judex in Causa Sua _”No one should be made a judge in  his  cause (to avoid bias) and Audi alterem partem_that is; “Hear the other party” (fair hearing) thus escapulating the extent of illegality inherent in wanting to take the resolution as reality of the present allegations against Wale Okunmuyi and others.

              c. the aggrieved parties are still agitating for justice ,renders the Resolution nugatory and unacceptable as the final terminus of the present state of things on the allegations in question.



The committee considered the posts sent to the Odunmakin Accountability Platform ( OAP) of which he was an active party, before and during the innaguration and maiden  sitting of the ORC after which he exited two days of  the sitting of same. Thus lending credence to the fact that he was/ is  a subscriber to same

Upon thourough  and copious study of the posts, the following form the findings of the OARC

a.      That Awa Bamiji , in part ,subscribe to have imperfectly  handled part of the event of the MPC

b.     That he directly accused  Wale Okunniyi of fraud

c.      That he seems to have been disgruntled against Wale Okunniyi because the later ,according to him " messed things or him up"

d.      that when Comrade Bayo Ogunleye asked him to account for the sum of N250.000:00 and N 350,000:OO he was said to have personally collected but un accounted for  . ,he avoided  him and till date never responded to same,  his  immediate exist from the Odunmakin accountability platform OAP was suspected by many to be linked to the likelihood of the ORC treating  this  N600,000:00

e.      That by paragraph (a-d ), Awa  Bamiji appears to have  been part of the misappropriation alleged against MPC .


The concise and deliberation on the press release give the ORC  the following findings:

The Essence of this is to Constitute A Caveat To The World at Large, That;

 (1) No person, individual or group, should have idea of arranging another programme 

(2) No body, however, whatever or wherever should engage in soliciting for donations of money for the sake of the burial rites for comrade Yinka Odumakin

(3) Anyone that does so does it at variance with the dictates of the Yoruba custom contained in the adages “oni nkan lan je ose” and “bi o ba ti se wu ni lan se imale eni” and “a ki mo oso ju iya oso.

(4)That all fund already raised,(by such others , beside the family), by extension, be returned or sent to the family.

The caveat, which , if properly read and cogitated, translated to a disclaimer of anyone or body group  going about  soliciting for fund for  the burial of comrade Yinka Odunmakin.

The OARC invited the following comrades for interview on issues relevant to the terms of reference.

1.     Com Declan

2.     Com Wale Okunniyi

3.     Com Awa Bamji

4.     Com Solomon Shobade

5.     Com Ade Ikuesan

6.     Com Owonifari Rasheed

Also, members of the ORC with helpful information, as eye witnesses, were urged by the committee to specially  address the ORC

These committee members are:

1.     Comrade Soloki Gbenga 

2.     Comrade Elijah Ojo


The invited comrades that honoured, in full or in part, the invitation by the ORC are:

1.     Comrade Declan ; full

2.     Comrade Ade Ikuesan ; full

3.     Comrade Awa Bamji_;  partly


From the testimonies of those that honored the committee’s invitation, the following facts emerge:

1.     That all the sub committees set up by the Wale Okunniyi led MPC for Comrade  Yinka Odunmakin's burial  were on paper rather than functional, deliberately made  redundant    by  the anchors;  Wale Okunniyi & co.

2.     That there was no accommodation paid for by the members of the MPC. His imperial majesty the Oni of ife had freely provided about 14 rooms apartment for guests. In fact oral evidence attested  to the fact that many delegates  slept on the open field.

3.     That guests at the event were not more than 200 as against the 1,000  the MPC  claimed they provided for

4.     That the food was served to guests once and to selected people loyal to the  anchors of the MPC.

5.     That because of wanton neglect, and reckless abandonment of delegates from Lagos, many, but for timely intervention of other older delegates, wanted to mob Wale Okunniyi (who was alleged to have been  drunk around the time).

6.     That Wale Okunniyi, Awa Bamji and Solomon Sobade spent part of the fund for personal aggrandizement, for instance, they lodged in special hotels in Lagos and Ife

7.     That Wale Okunnyi did not attend the actual burial  of  the deceased, strange indeed. Then why did he go ? You may ask.

8.     That the T-shirts, round neck polo distributed were not more than about 200 pieces, the same goes for the nose masks ( packed in  one carton of gala)

9.     That Wale Okuunnyi distributed N3,000:00 (three thousand naira) to his apologists about 40 of them for the reason best known to him

10a.That N20,000.00 (Twenty thousand naira)only was given to a comrade named Declan to fuel and repaired his pilot car(To carry the T- shirts and other materials to Ife and Moro with passengers as well) and another N30,000.00(Thirty thousand naira)only promised him for being  ”a devoted comrade” out of which  N20,000.00 Twenty thousand naira)was paid , he asked  them for the rationale behind the second payment and when he discovered element of misappropriation, he rejected it.

10 b.That against the culture and tradition of Yoruba land the MPC refused and neglected, deliberately, to give a substantial amount of the fund to the deceased family .

11.That the fact revealed that a dignified Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN) counseled that, since or once  the family had made a press release against any one or group sourcing for fund for their son’s burial, the already gotten fund(s) should be sent to the family .

12.That this prudent counsel, supported by another veteran, was tactically avoided by Wale Okunniyi and others depicting a seeming ulterior motive  behind the MPC. Little wonder the alleged  misappropriations

13.That the genesis of Awa Bamjis grievance with Wale Okunniyi started from the point the latter  allegedly inflated the cost of the T-shirts procured for the event.


Aggregation of the above findings through the documentary and the oral evidences, results in what forms the committee’s resolution as highlighted below:

1.     That the aggregation of misappropriation of the fund collected by or donated to Wale Okunniyi, Awa Bamji and Solomon Sobade led MPC are  sustainable and sustained by available evidence and facts ,capable of establishing fraud

2.     That the activities of the MPC was/is needless based on the press release by the family of the deacesed

3.     That the available facts and evidence are sufficient to resonate the allegations of financial misappropriation against the MPC and its anchors  ;Wale Okunniyi,  Awa Bamji and  Solomon Sobade.

4.     That from all available evidences and facts,the actual expenditures shouldn’t be more than N2,000,000.00  (two million naira) only as maximum total of the expenses

5.     That from paragraph 4 above and going by the actual income and expenditures analyzed by proffessionals for and on behalf of the OARC, the sum of N7,995,000.00(seven million nine hundred and ninety five thousand) only could not be accounted for  by the MPC led by Wale Okunniyi, Awa Bamji and Solomon Shobade.

6.     That the sum unaccounted for  appears to be the sum allegedly misappropriated, perhaps deliberately and  not by mistakes ,or.act of GOD.

7.     That these resolutions form the basis of the following Recommendations by this committee viz:


1.     That Messers Wale Okunniyi, Awa Bamji and Solomon Sobade and co be held accountable for the sum of N7,995,000 (seven million nine hundred and ninety five thousand)only unaccounted for by the MPC .

2.     That Messers Wale Okunniyi, Awa Bamji and Solomon Sobade be brought to book for their   involvements in MOC culminating in the alleged frauds ,  to serve as deterrent to others, and of cause , for rehabilitative  purposes for them.

3.     That Messers Wale Okunniyi, Awa Bamiji and Solomon Sobade should apologize to the CSOs worldwide, having taken responsibilities for  their actions, as the anchors of the mismanagement of funds  belonging to the family of the dead or at least the household of the CSOs.

4.     That for the same purpose in paragraph 2 above ,Messers Wale Okunniyi, Awa Bamiji and Solomon Sobade and others be suspended from  holding any executive position of any CSOs, local or global until purged of their misdeed.

5.     That Messers Wale Okunniyi, Awa Bamiji and Solomon Sobade be banned from representing the CSOs in raising fund for any of the CSOs events ,including such like the upcoming June 12 memorial

      6. That Messers Wale Okunniyi, Awa Bamiji and Solomon Sobade  should refund the sum of N7,995,000.00 (seven million nine hundred and ninety five thousand)only to the family of Yinka Odunmakin, where it traditionally, customarily ,legally and lawfully belong.

7 A The OARC  further reasons , that where  Messers Wale Okunniyi, Awa Bamiji and Solomon Sobade and other failed , refused or neglected to act in consonance with paragraphs (1 and 6)above that:

.i The CSOs has the right to press a report for fraud and financial misappropriation against them with any of the law enforcement agencies to investigate and prosecute them .

ii.The CSOs  , or through  the ORC, in the event that the concerned law enforcement agency refuses to prosecute them, institutes a case for  mandamus for the court to compel the agency to prosecute them.

iii.The CSOs can give the know your  rights initiative,  to pursue its petition with the fcid alagbon ,and or note that the said refusal or neglect above automatically robes any aggrieved person within or outside the CSO with  the latitude to take legal action(s) against any or all of the three involved



7B .That the OARC proactively recommends that steps be taken to obviate the reoccurrence of these saddening deeds again.


       I.            The CSOs in the country form a national umbrella body for the  CSOs

    II.            The said national body to  have  six sub bodies, for the six regions, and 36 bodies for the states and one for the FCT .

 III.            The body or bodies should have board of trustees and principal officers.

 IV.            The national body, through the regional and state bodies, should be responsible for such  event like the one in question, select members with proven pedigree of  dignity   to act in their behalf, who will be accountable to the bodies and queried for any questionable

7C. that there should be a world  press conference where the positions of  the OARC and the CSOs vis a vis these Report, Resolutions and  Recommendations are made known to the world ,which is patiently waiting for same.

Once again, we do respectfully appreciate the call to service ,and wish to be available, at any time such an opportunity to serve arises.


Solidarity for ever ! 


1.     Com.GBENGA SOLOKI MOSES -Chairman

2.     Com.TAIWO HASSAN BELLO - Secretary




6.     Com.OLA ONI





20TH May, 2021

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