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ALERT! We’ve got 6 months to save the world or we’re all doomed

The end is nigh, apparently (Picture: MetroUK)

That’s according to a leading economist, who believes that decisions being made by governments at meetings over the next six months will play a crucial role in securing the safety of the planet.

Professor Jeffrey Sachs, the UN special adviser and director of The Earth Institute believes that three key meetings in July, September and November, will present ‘our generation’s best chance to get on track’.

He identified the Financing for Development meeting in Addis Adaba, the adoption of new Sustainable Development Goals in New York, and the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris as being instrumental in the battle to end global poverty and protect the environment.

Professor Jeffrey Sachs

‘We are now right at that moment’, he told the Telegraph.
‘The time has finally arrived – we’ve been talking about these six months for many years but we’re now here. This is certainly our generation’s best chance to get on track.
‘Such diplomatic opportunities only come around every decade or so, and here they are all aligned in six months. We need to be successful.

Professor Sachs is an adviser to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, and helped to establish the Millennium Development Goals – a series of global anti-poverty targets established in the year 2000 that were meant to be achieved by 2015.

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