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Still on that lady who perfomed half-naked in church service

Church in New York receiving quite  a number of criticism across the world for allowing a singer perform in his church half- naked. One of them is a man who took to his Facebook page to address the situation condemned the pastor and his assistants for allowing such, stating it was distasteful. His words;

"It Is Shameful & Very Appalling That The PASTOR Of RIVERSIDE CHURCH In NEWYORK,Allowed Singer 'ONLY1HARMONY',To Sing In Their Church HALF-NAKED..As A Matter Of Fact,I Don't Call This PRAISE & WORSHIP,Rather I'll Call It PERVERTED PRAISE & WHORE-SHIP..Continue

They Are Just Rubbishing The CHRISTENDOM..If The SENIOR PASTOR Did Not See Anything Wrong In This,What About The ASSOCIATE PASTORS,DEACONS,DEACONESSES,MOTHERS & FATHERS Of The Church,When This SHAMELESS LADY Stepped On The Church Podium To Sing?..Do They Want To Turn The Church Into A RED-LIGHT NIGHTCLUB?..Hmm!,Its Really END-TIME,When All Kinds Of People Will Claim To Come In GOD's Name,But In Real Sense,With Ulterior Motives..Just Too Bad,I MUST Say..SMH!..GOD Help Us All,AMEN!!! :

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